Jan 30, 2004 11:13
So Lydia is feeling better, and the pediatrician didn't even seem bothered at all by the fact that she was ill, so there was no debate about antibiotics! Yaay!
When Curtis was a baby he started getting ear infections after he stopped nursing, and had an almost constant ear infection until he was three. He was constantly on antibiotics and not feeling well...until I WISED UP and stopped taking him to the doctor. No doctor= no antibiotics= Curtis's body healing itself. I stopped taking him to the doctor, and when his ears started smelling funny (which was his body's sign of an ear infection) I would put a few drops of Colloidal Silver in his ears before bed, and he hasn't been sick in almose two years.
Since I plan on nursing Lydia for at least a year and have the right information about antibiotics we shouldn't have those problems with her.
I'm going to request another doctor within our pediatrics office, only I can't remember his name. He saw Lydia when she was two weeks old, and he was great. He was very pro-breastfeeding and seemed to be more in touch with my line of thinking regarding medical care. I think the human body is an amazing thing and has the capabilities of healing itself if left alone. I'm not talking about Cancer or Meningitis or anything so serious. I'm referring to simple colds and infections, and maybe a mild case of the Flu. If we don't give our bodies a chance to heal itself, it will never be able to.
Anyway...snow sucks. The city of Cincinnati sucks because they haven't plowed my street yet and it is a hill. The idiot who parked by the corner sucks, because they are blocking half of the opening to the main road.