
Jan 06, 2005 16:06

I'm totally diggin this weather. It's early January, and it's like spring. I've been wearing short sleeve shirts outside and shorts around the house. I wonder if the crazy weather will confuse the plants so that they bloom. I'd love that as long as they'd bloom again in the actual spring. Plants supposedly change according to the amount of sunlight instead of the temperature, but I've seen them bloom in weird times/weather. Oh well. It seems to have confused the geese.

This break has been such a blessing to me. I've gotten to spend time with my friends. Some of whom are from out of town, some whom I just don't get to hang with that much. I've spent a lot of time with my family, especially my sisters. I've got to spend more time with Makiya, which is cool, cause now she's more comfortable around me. She walks! So cute! ^_^ I got to spend sometime with my step brothers too. That's cool because I don't get to hang with them much. Keith is such a trip. Even if he likes to pick on the little ones. And even though I told him I wasn't much for drinking, he stated he would take me to a bar when I'm 21. Ahh, bonding. -snort- I've gotten to sleep alot! And play video games. ^_^ I'm ALMOST done with my Majora's Mask walkthrough. I'll be posting it on my website soon. But that'll require a lot of reshaping, so I'll probably wait til I'm living back on campus so I'll have easy access to the internet. I've eaten out a lot. Which is cool. But I've also gotten to have some bangin homemade meals. And those are cool because that's mostly when I get to see my stepbrothers.

I got a lot of stuff that I wanted for Christmas! PLUS, I've started using my giftcards. Repeat with me, "W O W !" Yeah, after letting them stock up for however many years. I started looking at expiration dates and it launched me to action. My Borders gift card was going to completely expire after two years of activation and if I remembered correctly, I had gotten it two years ago. :T So I hightailed over to Borders and got the Beatles' "1", the Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood soundtrack (yay for Cajun music), and FIGHT CLUB!!! Yay for Fight Club, it was about time I'd gotten that. All that for $56 and I had a $50 gift card. ^_^ Good times.

OH! And a praise report! I got some harvest from my offerings. So I have a Crabtree card that I got as a high school graduation present. It was for $25, but after 13 months, it deducts $1.50 every month. So I set off to Crabtree to use it. I notice that they advertised that you may have to trade in your card for an updated one. So I go to the info desk. I was like, "Is this the 'new card'?" She said it was and I asked if she could tell me the balance. She tells me it has $71. O_O I was like, "That's cool, it only started out with $25 dollars. I mean, it had a little sticker on it that said, "$25". She took it back from me, typed on her computer for awhile, and finally gave it back to me and said, "Well, it's got $71 on it now." SCORE!!! I walked away and did a little happy dance. I think so people saw me, but I don't care. I was suddenly in shopping spree mode. I got a car freshener from Yankee Candle Co. I know, I don't have a working car, but my room will definitely be smelling like the beach. YAY! And... that's all I bought. $2. Ha. But I have plans for the rest of it... WACK KACK KACK!

But I think what I like most is that I've gotten into the habit of studying the Bible and praying in tongues everyday. That's most important, since my highest priority is doing God's perfect will for my life. I should've been doing that a LONG time ago.

Kristen's out of the hospital. She and Craig are staying with us for a little longer. She can't lift anything over 5 lbs, has to wear a neck brace, and can't drive until the doctors say so. And Craig has to change her dressings and such. I helped him one time, mostly for "moral support". Okay, along with some bad scratches, she has a hole in her back that is said to be two inches deep. I mean, she's already thin, it wouldn't seem like she's got two inches to share. I was trying to figure out HOW she got a hole in her back. Is it like a puncture wound? Or it something catch on her and just keep on pulling? Bleh. But nobody really knows. And I was like, "Is that just skin? Or was there muscle involved?" Craig (who was kind of queasy about the whole ordeal) was like, "I don't know, and I don't want to know." Fortunately, they'll got her on pain medicine, so it doesn't hurt her. What seemed like it hurt the most is just taking the tape off so he could remove the bandage. But she's in good spirits and optimistic, so it's goin good.

Karaoke night at X-raze this Saturday! I'm excited about that. I'll be moving back on campus next Sunday. Classes start Wednesday. I hope my books come in soon... I bought them off the internet, so they have to be shipped, but holy freak, I saved $100 than if I had bought them at the book store. :P

Only 15 credit hours this semester. Ahhhhhhhhhh. That'll be sooooooo nice. :)

christmas 04, family

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