(no subject)

Sep 28, 2010 21:19

So, in the spirit of unpacking, I was rummaging through a box of mementos to see if there was anything I could get rid of before I found a final resting place for the box. I get pick out a few things to toss, things that just don't hold the same value for me that they used to. But rummaging through the box and glancing over old notes and letters, it was like a time warp back to high school and even before that. Then when I was done, I repacked the stuff I wanted to keep in the box. I stood up, realized I was hungry, and that I should make myself some supper.

My sense of high school-ness then clashed with current ness of being newlywed and sharing a home with my husband, some dude I didn't even know in high school.

I had all these idealized visions of what my life would be like in college and beyond. And I never really questioned them. Of course, I understood there was a lot left to chance but I thought for sure that THIS would happen and that THAT would stay the same.

Reality conflicts with high school fantasies.

And now?

Screw high school fantasies. I love what I have now and I wouldn't give it up. Even if I could go back in time and some how make those fantasies come true, I wouldn't because I know "what's to come now" and I prefer that.


I should really do a life update.

Brief summary:

I'm married! Yay! LOL

Will do a more in-depth summary at some point. Mostly focusing on unpacking and pondering about this Mina Project at church.

Should probably continue job hunting at some point. :P

Also, we got our own non-apartment internet and I can watch Star Trek on my computer again! Yay!

Got my braces back on after having them removed for the wedding. Boo.

Dinner went ding. Promises to write more... at some point. :P

memories, high school, wedding

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