Jan 21, 2010 12:30
So, I had some bacon in my fridge that I needed to eat before it went bad. But I didn't really know what I wanted to do with it and like ALL of the pots/pans were dirty. But the bacon packaging had microwave prep instructions! Score!
So I microwaved some bacon.
Then I remembered that Bruegger's will microwave their eggs for egg sandwiches if they've run out of egg-ness. So I cracked an egg into a mug, poke the yolk a bit, and microwaved it for about a minute. A nice little circle of cooked egg that came out of the mug easily.
Then I assembled the egg and bacon on some bread with a few slices of cheddar cheese. Microwaved the sandwich for a bit to melt the cheese.
And I ate me a microwaved bacon, egg, and cheese sammich.
Michelle is probably moving into the Raleigh area. Exciting!
I'm getting along much better with my braces now. I just want them to get a move on now! I feel like they're just sitting there, not doing anything. No rubber bands or anything. And my next ortho appointment isn't until March! Hrumph.
microwaved bacon egg and cheese sammich,