(no subject)

Sep 22, 2009 14:56

Roast beef panini for lunch = OM NOM NOM

$40 for 2 half hour massages, 2 facials, a pedicure, a hair cut, and an eyebrow waxing + $40 worth of Cold Stone coupons = EPIC SCORE.

ALMOST done with the effing dishes = Yay!

Dude, the mountain of dishes in the kitchen when Athena left was ridiculous. I couldn't fit everything in one load of dish washer. So I did a load, put those away, and put the rest in. Now I just have to clean the stuff that doesn't go in the dish washer.

Ferrets are easier to deal with when they're asleep.

So far, I've made Jeremy promise me twice that he wouldn't grow infatuated with ferrets and just HAVE to have one. He promised thusly twice, and I'm gonna hold him to it! Have broken up approximately 5-6 Claudia/Bella fights and have been bitten twice in the three nights I've ferret-sitted.

Tried to continue my CSI marathon and CBS.com tells me they're not available! Heifers! I was trying to catch up to when Laurence Fishbourne joins the show. :(

Grey's Anatomy starts this week! EEEEEEEEEEEEE! I saw a clip of the season premiere and it shows John Doe coding and then Lexy hears that John Doe is George and runs in and is like, "That's not George! He's too tall!" And then the clip ends. And I was like, "OMG! MAYBE IT'S NOT GEORGE!!!" But whatever, it has to be George. George is dead. :(

I should make stir fry tonight and use up the rest of my cabbage. I got that effin cabbage a month ago, have made two big batches of stew with it, and I STILL have half a head left! And it still looks edible. But that means I have to go to the store. And I was gonna do that last night but I was so TOTALLY not in the mood to go in the store. So I made hashbrowns (used up the rest of the potatoes and half an onion I got in the food box) and an egg (from the food box) and spam. I suck at flipping eggs. I see musubi for me in the future... Should finish off cabbage first. And with the stir fry, I could also use the carrots and more onion that I got from the food box. And some chicken chilling in the freezer. Hmmm... maybe I DON'T have to go to the store....

Why are we always running out of coffee in the office!? Please order more at a time! Kthxbye!

Started bug fixes for iCarly today... Ugh, I hate starting new projects. I always feel like I have no idea what I'm doing (which, I pretty much don't) and am going to break something and screw everyone up for a week.

But I'll be grooving in a couple of days. That's just how that works.

...I need to make proper use of those Cold Stone coupons... Soon.

work, grocery shopping, spa, coupons, ferrets, angel food boxes

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