My toe hurts. :(

Sep 13, 2004 01:18

I've had a pretty good weekend! Saturday, I got to sleep late, which was excellent. For lunch, I had a caesar chicken wrap for the first time and it was excellent. Then me and Michelle and Terrin went shopping. We went to the mall and scoped out some stuff there, including massage chairs. Then we went to Wal-Mart and I got some much needed stuff. Terrin got a nifty bubblegum machine fish tank for itsy bitsy Marina. Heehee. Then we went to Ross (since the main point of our shopping excursion was to get Michelle some jeans). Michelle found some jeans and I found this crazy sweet skirt! It's black, and I think it's supposed to be like a dance skirt, because it's a twirly skirt! When you twirl around, it flares out. Don't play, all you girls know you liked the twirly skirts when you were younger. Confession: I'm 18 years old and I bought this skirt and I twirl in it and it delights me. ^_^ I also got Athena's birthday present. :D Later that night, Michelle died her hair red! It looks good, and I got some funny pics out of it.

Then today, I taught in Kids in the Light. And it's work yo, but I feel very fulfilled doing it. Like I'm doing my part or whatever. So that's cool. And I got some appreciation candy out of it. (And the new resource room is cool!) The girls stayed at church with the Knightens so after church, the house was nice and quiet. I had lunch (left over pizza, not bad), put some laundry on, and zonked out. Then Jackie wakes me up and is like, "Someone brought you stuff!" I'm out of it and like, "Huh?" Carissa stopped by to give me some hand-me-downs. I love hand-me-downs! That's my equivalent to shopping. I grew up on hand-me-downs. I haven't gone through the stuff yet, but it looks nice. Then I zonked out again. Jackie woke me up later and brought me to church again. We watched The Passion. I hate to call it a "good movie" since the subject matter is so sad. I prefer the term "effective". It was a very "effective" movie. Very intense. Props to Mel Gibson for having the gall and the guts to make the movie. After the movie, I went to Applebee's the Aaron and Allston, which I thoroughly enjoyed. I love hanging with my guys! Plus, I got some good chicken alfredo out of it. And as I told Aaron and Allston, "I appreciate vegetables. I do not, however, appreciate Turkish toilets." All hail Angie: Queen of Random!

allston, twirly skirt, shopping, michelle, terrin, aaron, the passion

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