More car drama.
I noticed a few days back that my brakes were being flaky. Like, I would have the press them down further than usual to slow down. It was obvious enough that it kind of scared me a couple of times one day, but I hadn't done it since.
But then my car was making pretty questionable grinding noises when I was braking or easing off the brake.
So I brought my car in to be checked. Yeah, yeah, something about the brakes, something needs to be replaced, blah blah.
So I cough up some more money. :( Those heffers.
Honestly, though, I'm okay with it. It wasn't as bad as getting the effin transmission replaced. And it's getting old, "maintenance" in general is going to be expensive. But at this point, I think what I'm spending on it, on average, would be better than dealing with a car payment anyway. -shrug- I deal.
But hey, at least my check engine light isn't on! Yeah, we'll see how that goes when I roll on up for an inspection in April. And please believe, Angie is going to try to do that as soon as possible. Why? Because bob KNOWS that check engine light is just ITCHING to turn itself back on. :P
On semi-related news, I've been pretty good since going into budget mode after filing my taxes. I think the biggest thing I could save on would be not eating out as much. Go figure, I seem to be eating out a lot lately, but other people have been picking up the tab! I got a free bagel sammich from Bruegger's with one of those "buy 9 get 1 free" things. Jackie bought me lunch when we went to Qdoba. Joel treated all the youth leaders to lunch on Sunday, etc. And with most of this stuff, I've had leftovers for at least part of another meal. ^_^ Plus, I made a big pot of chicken noodle soup that I'll be eating on for awhile. And I'm still working on all the fixins I got for salad.
All in all, I'm doin pretty good. Lookin forward to the next paycheck nonetheless. :P
OH! Also, I was a big klutz and made a big scratch right in the middle of one of the lenses of my glasses. >_< FAIL.
But I found my camera. So that's good.
Also, Athena's offer on the house was accepted. We haz a place to live. Should definitely start packing NOW.
I tackled one of the abandoned fortune cookies around the office. The fortune read, "Follow your heart and you will find happiness." ^_^