And I'm not even drunk or drugged yet.

Feb 21, 2009 21:02

I really am a blessed person. I have people in my life that are so good to me.

Jeremy hung out with me today even though I was frumpy, hacking all over the place, and out of it most of the time. (Mutual naps are da bomb.) (And I'm glad that he seems to enjoy Breugger's Bagels as much as I do. ^_^)

Then after he had to leave for work, Lety wakes up and realizes the state I'm in. She goes out and brings me some meds, even though I told her not to worry about it. She's sweet like that. I now have in my possession: NyQuil, Advil PM, and Halls cough drops.

So I'm about ready to drug myself and hopefully sleep through the night and wake up and be completely symptom-free! Yeah, that would be great. :P

But I do have awesome people in my life. I just hope I'm being awesome enough back to them.

Hmm... should I take NyQuil and Advil PM at the same time? Would there be a bad reaction or something?

>_< I don't do this medicine thing.


When I was young and would get sick, I'd start coughing at night and I wouldn't even realize it enough to wake up. But apparently would it be pretty bad cuz it would wake my dad up. I would just continue coughing in my sleep until he came in and woke me and gave me some cough medicine. Sometimes he would put some Vick's vapor rub on a washcloth and have me put it on my chest so I would breathe it in.

I hate the taste of cough syrup and the smell of Vick's vapor rub. Maybe I mentally associate them with being waken up -- which is always annoying, lol. But it was always my dad to do this stuff, not my mom. I wonder why. No matter, it just goes to show, my dad effing rocks. I need to get him a "World's #1 Dad" mug. Not because it's cliche, but because it's true, as far as I'm concerned.


Okay, I read the fine print, I should be good with both the NyQuil and the Advil. See youz guys on the flip side.


Oh dear God, NyQuil is nasty. XP

memories, medicine, daddy, jeremy, lety

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