I made an appointment to donate blood on November 21st.
I started a letter to Nana. Didn't finish. :( There goes that one item list per day thing. Fail. Maybe I can do two tonight. Likeliness = low.
I've been drinking way too much soda lately. Not cool.
If you've never seen Dr. Horrible's Sing along Blog, I highly, HIGHLY recommend it. (
video here) It's freaking cute! And Neil Patrick Harris is an amazing actor, in my opinion. I would be his friend. lol
1.) Write Nana. She sent me a letter for my birthday, I really need to respond.
2.) Write Maw and Paw. I might as well, while I'm writing the grandparents.
3.) Schedule an appointment with the dentist and eye doctor. :( I don't want glasses. But I gosh darn it, this bad eye sight thing is getting effing annoying.
4.) Clean my room. ALWAYS this. :P If I just finish up some laundry, I should be good.
5.) Go shopping for Athena's birthday present. I know, her birthday was yesterday. I suck. :( I consider the trip to the ABC store part of her gift, though. :P
6.) Take pictures of the autumn prettiness while it's around.
7.) Knit, knit, knit.
8.) Read, read, read. :)
9.) Head start on Christmas shopping?
10.) Get my oil changed. I don't think I'm going to bug James about it this time. I still need to get myself over to State's bookstore and get him a croakie. :P
11.) Get myself over to State's bookstore and get James a croakie. :P BOOYAH! I just bought one off the internet. I figured it would get to me WAY before a I could make my way over to the NCSU bookstore. Just don't tell James. :P
12.) Have a roomie outing in celebration of Athena's birthday and Lety's half-marathon.
13.) Buy more jeans.
14.) Balance checkbook.