(no subject)

Jul 07, 2008 11:32

So, I wake up Sunday morning, stumble into the kitchen, and look at the calendar.

Lety added markings indicating that she would be in Mexico that day and for about a week. These markings were not there the night before and I hadn't seen her for the past few days because her work schedule has been RIDICULOUS.

So I'm like, "wtf m8?"

She had mentioned going to Mexico if she heard back from the study-in-Japan people, but I hadn't heard anything for awhile.

Apparently, she didn't get an email from the study-in-Japan people. Which is so full of suck! I know she really wanted to do that. :( And I wanted that for her. But this round of the application process was screened by the Mexican government, and according to her mom, you have to offer sexual favors if you want anything done. LOL

Anyway, she decided to make a trip to Mexico regardless, since she had so much time off and already had the ticket. I heard her mom squeal on the phone when Lety told her she was visiting. Apparently her mom squealing is an extremely rare occasion which I am privileged to have heard. lol.

So Lety and I were gonna get sushi for lunch, but the place was closed (contrary to the hours posted online) so we went for ghetto Mexican instead. A bit redundant, I realized later on, but Lety seemed to enjoy the nomz, so it's cool.

I dropped her off at the airport before the mission trip meeting. :( Sadness. She's going to get back after I'm gone, so I won't see her for like two weeks. But when I get back, it's gon' be partay time!

Kristin (sister-in-law) and Babby are in town. I need to go visit them at the parents' house soon. Perhaps Tuesday night.



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