-evil laughter-

Jun 20, 2008 15:02


I just realized that my sisters are going out of town. (I realized this AFTER I was informed of the fact that I am escorting them out of town.)


I'm totally stealing their Gamecube while they're gone.


But yeah. I was going to maybe work extra on Saturday, hang out with Michelle while she's in town, just general chilling and hanging and making brownies and getting ready for stuff on Sunday.

But my dad is driving my sisters down to see Craig and Kristin and the baby in South Carolina this Saturday. And coming back the same day. And Jackie didn't want him alone for the drive back, so she asked if I would join them. And I said yes.

I don't mind spending time with family, but this kind of puts a hold on my being productive and social.

Oh well, I'm sure to get lots of knitting done in the car. :P We're going to be getting back late and THEN I get to make brownies for the car wash and wake up early to teach at X-treme Kids and endure being an "adult" helping the youth group car wash.

I might ask for Sunday night off. We'll see if I pass out or not. :P

Also, Aaron never called. Punk.

ALSO, I don't remember what I last updated about car drama, but I got my car back from the shop, AGAIN. And paid a lot of money for it, AGAIN.


My check engine light is still off.


car drama, zelda, aaron

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