
Jan 13, 2008 21:27

The guy who played B.J. Honeycutt on M*A*S*H had a small part on Desperate Housewives. (Not that I watch Desperate Housewives or anything.
) I'm glad to see he's still alive! LOL. He looks pretty good for his age.

Also: "My Friend So Long" by DC Talk

image Click to view

I know I've posted this before, but I saw it again and fell in love with it all over again. And as you may or may not have noticed, I like analyzing music videos.

I love the song and its use of percussion. I like the lyrics and how real-life they are. (For a point of reference, see "Rockstar" by Nickelback.)

In the video, I like how they poke fun at and show their frustration with the concept of celebrity. You see fans swamping the ambulance, shrieking and crying that their idol is dying. (Notice how each of the members of DC Talk takes a turn in the gurney.) But when it comes down to it, it's just family members and loved ones in the waiting room, not a shrieking fan in sight. And then when this celebrity dies, they're just gone, like any other human being. But no, all this ridiculous fanfare has to take place, with smiling nurses dancing with big feathers and business men (Kevin Max has an apparent dislike for people who censor music and record label executives) doing Russian dances.

I like their use of sunglasses. When the band members take their turns in the gurney, they're always wearing sunglasses. Even the girlfriend wears glasses, celebrity by proxy, I guess. Although, towards the end, you girlfriend loses the sun glasses. It's only when the band members are everyday people in the crowd that you can see their eyes. Deep, imo.

I also like how, in the end, each of the band members wakes up in the bed, is like, "WTF am I doing here?", and hurries away.

Maybe I'm looking too far into it.

But I like it.

And a meme!

Take the title and first sentence of the first post of each month from last year and re-post it, by itself:

January: *streeeeeeeeeeeetch* - HiyO!

February: ... - What. The. Fudge.

March: Angie got paid - 'Bout time!

April: addicting game - http://ebaumsworld.com/2007/03/boom-shine.swf


June: Wanna go to Star ucks? - Sooooo, much of my job lately has been waiting.

July: Wheeeeeeeeee - They're working on getting the Xtreme Kids room back up to snuff at church.

August: myspace: the bringer of drama - He's changed.

September: HOT - OH MY BOB, I want this t-shirt.

October: LOL - Found some good stuff on myspace TV!

November: For those of you who are actually in NC... - Let's go out to eat tomorrow!

December: lol -

I have SOOOOO MUCH to write about! This weekend has been ridiculously busy and equally awesome. Details to come. :D

meme, dc talk, you tube, m*a*s*h

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