Hey, guys! We've had a request for our first meme~!
Actually, it was requested a while ago, I just figured now was a decent time to do it.
Many of you have probably seen this before. What you do is post a comment with each of your characters names and journals. Others will then reply to that comment and tell you what their own characters thinks of yours. For example:
Comment to this post
Mun: Kit
- Edward (
- Aro Volturi (
Reply to above comment
Mun: Keanna
-Bella on Edward: She loves him. Seriously. She does.
-Bella on Aro: Sorry, but Bella hates Aro.
Now, obviously, we all hope for a little more feedback than that. If you want, you can even reply in-character or in a different format or whatever. It doesn't matter, as long as everyone has fun with it... Unless you don't want play, which is fine too. You aren't required to participate, and you don't have to list all of your characters if you don't want to. This is purely mun-fun. Also, we want to be as friendly as possible. Notice that Keanna states that Bella hates Aro without being offensive. I'm sure we're all fine here, because we're a pretty awesome bunch, but we still have to mention it, because it's a modly duty. No bashing each other, okay? (Maybe we'll have a "How's my driving" meme sometime soon, as well~)
SO! Get it? Yes? Good! (If not, AIM is a wonderful thing!)