As I ellipticaled to DemDebate: Candidates Gone Wild In Vegas Edition tonight (hey, it's finals time, gotta multitask), I couldn't help but laugh.
Multiple times. In public. In a crowded gym. And they wonder why I get branded as a freak.
But my reputation is not the issue here. It's the fact that I found aspects of the debate chuckle-worthy. Namely, the (a) "mud-slinging" in the words of Hil, and the (b) incessant, desperate, nearly pathetic attempt of the questioner to not skirt away from his pre-written questions at odds with the (c) candidates eager to talk around as many issues as possible.
My favorite moment came during the "Should illegal immigrants get drivers' liscences?" prompt. Barack gave what was, I thought, I very nice respose--granted, he didn't answer the question, but he did stir a damn good amount of--CAMPAIGNBUZZWORD!--h-o-p-e in each of us. And that's good. After all, what's a smooth, silky Obama response without a little sprinkling of hope? Exactly.
But that's when the interviewer got a little... bothered. Snappy, even! It reminded me of middle school. "Do I look fat?" "Well, that's not the issue, the issue is that maybe we should rescrap the entire concept of beauty in America, that and we should organize a comprehensive overhaul of the tube-top-miniskirt trend..." "Answer the question. DO I LOOK FAT?" "Well, that's not the issue." "It's a yes or no question. Answer it." "Well then... YES." (Note: I am not at all equating the driving liscences of "illegal" immigrants with being fat. At all. Just clarifying that.)
Or how about asking Hillary about pearls? And diamonds? I had to read about that one
second-hand, but still, I mean-- was that for a Redbook article or a presidential-fucking-debate!? If I were her, I might have responded curtly, "I like both. Especially when they're shoved up your hairy, old-timey, all-women-care-about-is-pretty-things-like-jewelery ASS!" (You will not that I am (a) not running for president in the immediate future and that I (b) have a slightly short temprament.)
My favorite moment of the debate that I saw (not nearly enough, unfortunately, but it's crunch time over here in The College Life) was the "Education Is Important? Ye Gods, So That's What I've Been In School For 13 Years For!" moment from the cheeky interviewer. I also really like the massive cheering after the No Child Left Behind (The Menace Formally Known as Nickleby) was mentioned as being a shitty, all-around-sucky piece of legislative blech. Education policy being reformed seems more crucial to me than ever after taking American Studies which also, incidentially, dealt a lot with immigration, and has thus helped to inform my opinions.
So, yeah. Who needs comedy when you've got cah-razy political in-group fighting ("Hillary's a flip-flopper!" "Blahblah's a sneak!" "Blahblah's a sneaker!" And you're a... "boot"? Ooh, can I be the clog?) and Rhetoric Gone Wild (Barack takes the delicious, beautiful English cake on this one--"Let's stop shedding heat and shed some light"--YUM. Who the hell cares what it means? It's LOVELY!)? Not me. Pluck me in front of a Vegas Debate anyday and there's solid entertainment for ya. Hey, who knows. If we're asking Hillary about accessories, who KNOWS what could be next time? Oy. Guess what, guys? In just over a month it's TWO THOUSAND FUCKING EIGHT. Damnnn.
To anyone reading this: what were your thoughts on the DemsDebate? Fill me in on the parts I missed, or vent or rave or cheer, if you're so inclined.