Sep 17, 2005 22:14
i guess every once in a while im going to have a da when i sut wantt to o back o pa per haps spillin lasgna on m laptop and having 2 dead roaches on m flooor did no make this such a ood da plus im not sessasarily likin m co worker... please excuse m lack of the leers between and and u on he keboard as it seems he have a bi of ricotta stuck and only work some imes now that i have acnowledged them tthe seem o be coming back to me which is good cuz 5 hours agoi onl had 15 letters and most of them were nott so useful.... i should no be alone when i eat or i end up with food in the omputer.
im bad at having gu friends is ust seems i cant keep them fomr liking me as more than friends...and reall im ust so content right now " on m own" of course that means endless phone calls to m support s stem in pa and still alot of feeling luck i can alwas fall back on m famil but the closest i want to get to not single is m excassive calling to ohio
dead oaches are grosss wh an the leave the apt and die outside
i do love tha i live in the sheepest apt known o man in the lovel and hihl expensive south tampa but some times i want to o rent a 70o dollar a monh plae th what ever rooate i can find and forget my craz dream of buing a condo next year
oh look it worked the y worked its ocming back to me
now if i can onl get the 6 ke back on
hugs me