
Dec 16, 2011 10:00

I've come to realize that there are a number of people that I tend to reach out to in kindness and support who seem to have no interest in my friendship.

Before I really started working on myself, I would have gotten very bitter about the situation, because I would have thought, "If I'm showing these people kindness, why can't they do so in return?" I'd also get ticked off about things.

As it stands, my thoughts are tinged more with melancholy instead. I'm not reaching out to have them show me kindness in return anymore., but it makes me think that it might not be worth the effort.

The way I'm looking at it now, no blame is placed, but it becomes a choice as whether to keep expending the energy. They have their own lives, and I might not fit into the scheme of their lives.

The biggest thing that occurs to me is that when someone changes, many others get used to viewing them in their old remembrances, rather than looking at the person anew every time they interact with them. It's a human habit that's hard to break.

Oh well.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.


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