Title: Tortured
Pairing: Damon/Katherine
Rating: R - Violence
Summary: You want to know when this will end.
Author’s Notes: For my Prompt Table... Prompt: Hours...
Stare at the clock. The minute hand doesn’t move. You sweat. That drip coming down between your eyes. Your hands behind your back. The knot tight. Your breathing heightens. Days. Hours. Minutes. Seconds. You can’t remember how long you have been here. Your neck aches, rolling it. The laugh is cold, harsh, it strikes through you. You plead that it’s too dark. You need the light. The curtains open, it’s hot, burning your skin. You scream for it to stop. You’re heating up. You look up, pleading, begging. The curtains are drawn again. You can breathe again. Barely though. You look up, a knife is being dragged down your chest, down your right side hard, you moan in pain. Vervain being dripped into your wounds. You scream out, writhing against the chair, against the rope. Everything. You can’t breathe it hurts. You want to know when this will end. You don’t think it ever will end. After all, she’s got all the time in the world.