Who: Captain Jack Harkness and Buffy The Vampire Slayer :)
Where: Swimming Pool.
When: Morning.
Summary: Jack's wandering again. If folks here weren't such a good time, the place would be unbearable!
Jack pushed open yet another big elaborate door to reveal a swimming pool. Funny, usually you could smell the chlorine from those things halfway down the hall, but not this one. He was going to turn around and wander in another direction, until the slightest splash alerted him to the fact that someone was swimming laps. He took a few steps into the room and watched the swimmer make strong, even strokes that took her quickly the length of the pool. As she got closer, he could see her face as she turned her head to take a breath. Buffy.
"Well, well, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. We have to keep meeting like this," he called down to her. "People are going to talk!"