Much Needed Apologies

Oct 04, 2011 21:45

Who: Martha Jones and Jack Harkness
Where: Medical Lab
When: After the Julian thread but before the Handy thread.
What: A guilty Martha apologizes to an unconscious Jack.

Martha woke up quietly. Her ribs still hurt, but she was unsure of how much time had passed since she had last taken medicine. For all she knew, one of the Winchesters had given her something while she slept. She sat up and looked around the medical bay. Dean was gone, but Julian still lay on his gurney. He was stable, so she turned her attentions to Jack.

They'd been able to get him a blood transfusion. He was going to live... but he was still unconscious. She moved over to his bed and took his hand in hers. "Jack, I'm.... I'm sorry. I should never have said those things to you earlier." A silent tear slipped down her cheek. "You can't die Jack. You just can't. I need you. And the Doctor needs you. And I'm so sorry."

She stood a while longer holding his hand. Exhaustion began to course its way through her body. She looked down at Jack a moment longer and then made a quick decision. Looking around to make sure there was no one else in the room, she climbed her small 5'2" self onto Jack's bed and curled up next to him, mindful of his wounds and her ribs. "Please come back," she whispered as she drifted off to sleep.

*complete, character: martha jones, post: closed, character: jack harkness, place: medical facility

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