There it was again. That tone of voice. The indifference. The scorn. The smugness. He had heard it from each of the last three people he had met here, and already he was sick of it. He had wanted words. He had wanted information. Nothing more. But now he did want something more: He wanted respect. He wanted deference.
And he would have it.
He strode down the hall, his every step filled with grim purpose. His black cloak billowed out behind and about him, and his dark silhouette filled the hall as he came, as inexorable as a thunderstorm.
"When I say I would have words with you," he rumbled, his voice deep and menacing, "you will find the time to address them." As he came within striking distance of the smaller man, he looked down imperiously at him, placing his hands upon his hips. "Do you have any idea who you address, boy?"
Does this guy actually think this whole tall, dark, and brooding is scary? Dean thought as he heard Vader storm up on him. He glanced over his shoulder and lifted the sledge hammer in his hand to a better grip, but not in a threatening manner yet.
"You're Darth Vader. You stormed in here and threatened Veronica." Dean shot back. "Someone said you are some supreme lord of the universe and you got a laser sword that can cut through the walls. Is that suppose to make me quake in my boots? Man, you got nothing on the crap I've had to deal with. Angels are scarier than you and they wear tax accountants better than you wear that tin suit." The hunter held his ground in the face of the towering man.
"You are mistaken on two counts," Vader replied. "I am Supreme Commander of the Galactic Empire. And furthermore," he said, looming over the stranger, "what I gave her was not a threat. It was an order. One to be more plain-spoken and helpful. She obeyed, and suffered no ill consequences. I trust that you will be capable of following her example."
Comments 13
And he would have it.
He strode down the hall, his every step filled with grim purpose. His black cloak billowed out behind and about him, and his dark silhouette filled the hall as he came, as inexorable as a thunderstorm.
"When I say I would have words with you," he rumbled, his voice deep and menacing, "you will find the time to address them." As he came within striking distance of the smaller man, he looked down imperiously at him, placing his hands upon his hips. "Do you have any idea who you address, boy?"
"You're Darth Vader. You stormed in here and threatened Veronica." Dean shot back. "Someone said you are some supreme lord of the universe and you got a laser sword that can cut through the walls. Is that suppose to make me quake in my boots? Man, you got nothing on the crap I've had to deal with. Angels are scarier than you and they wear tax accountants better than you wear that tin suit." The hunter held his ground in the face of the towering man.
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