Who: Spike and Owen
When: After
this but before
this Where: The hallway
What: Running into one another
Spike frowned as his stomach growled again. He really wasn't in the mood to get up and go anywhere but he was starving and he knew that he just wasn't going to get a minunte of sleep until he did something about it. Carefully extricating himself from beneath softly snoring Buffy (of which he would never tell her, not that she would believe it even if he did) he quickly thew on a pair of jeans, a tee shirt and some boots. He figured he would just swing by the banquet room, see what the buffet had to offer in the form of a midnight snack and then crawl back into bed before he was missed.
Tip toeing out of the room as to not wake the sleeping slayer, he gently opened the door, slipped outside into the hall and carefully shut it behind him until he heard the soft click of the latch engaging.