Sep 12, 2009 09:25
Hall Monitors? Geez, Kurt. Did you just get bored because I wasn't here?
I'm catching up on my messages, since I answered one I got from the Doctor that, apparently, was sent to me weeks ago. Anyway, it was hard as hell to get any answers from him. He was being kinda bitchy about... everything. I went up to Ianto's room, but he's not there right now. I refrained from breaking down the door, since he's probably just somewhere else in the hotel right now. I got the impression that Owen had seen him recently, from messages on the Network. Do you have any idea how long I was gone? I figured it'd be safe to ask you, because - even if you don't know - you're fairly unlikely to bite my head off over it.
Thanks, Blue! I'd appreciate anything you can tell me.
Also, I'm so not being a hall monitor, so don't even ask ;)
character: jack harkness