Aug 25, 2002 23:04
Two days and counting...that's right kiddies, I'm going to college. Sometimes I wonder though if I am ready for college. There was that one time at Great Escape with my roomie the fabulous Tibby that we couldn't get out of a ride. We couldn't figure out how to unlock the door. There were 8 year olds in their teeny bopper clothing who figured it out before us. In all truth we didn't figure it out...the ride operator had to come let us out. out Smith, cause baby here we come.
It's sad to say goodbye to people...I'm not good with goodbyes...oh well. At least Kelly is coming to Smith with me. I'm sorry I was an asshole to her but we'll just see where that train goes. Having her there is going to make things much easier.
I'm trying to pick out far I have Chemistry, Calculus, and Government...all the into courses. What else should I take?
I saw Tony today...I just want to say that I love Tony. I'm such a dork but he puts up with me. He came over to help me pack but just ended up pirating music...hahaha....pirating my own music. original point was that I am going to miss Tony so much. But he is going to kick but at his school.
I should probably pack some. More later.