Jan 05, 2008 18:18
Life Lessons I Have Learned When Sewing
# It's ok to quickly patch up bits if nobody can see them.
# Doing it and getting it right is immensely satisfying.
# Doing it and getting it wrong causes nothing but frustration and embarrassment.
# It's not the size of your needle that counts, it's how you use it.
# When you fuck up, try and work out what it was that you did wrong and try not to do it again the next time.
# Calling things by their technical name makes you sound cool :)
# Why get a machine involved if you can do it perfectly well by hand?
# Save scraps and try and do constructive something with them.
# There are some problems your parents just aren't qualified to give you advice on. (At the age of 8, I sewed on my own Brownie badges because I could do it better than my mother could. That is the lack of qualification I'm talking about.)
# Everything is better when you add sequins to it.
lessons learned