Apr 08, 2010 10:59
Dude. Dude.
Wedding numba one is in the works and I am so so so so excited. Portland for a few days, all the college crowd, the reunion of a lifetime (esp since we only reunite every few years at this point in our lives and soon those reunions will involve behbez, right Bex??)
This is only like 3 wx away. Shut. Up. MUST find something to wear. MUST find a hoteezy. Must scrounge up party cashola All the details will shake out in the end but overall I am giddy. I haven't seen Swiffy in goodness knows how long. And Roomie?! Well shoot. It's about darn time.
Not to mention that in between now and the wedding Grady is coming out for some Spring hiking in Glacier a day before we hop in Claudi and road trip to Boise for JOSH RITTERS CD RELEASE PARTY.
Wedding numba two is shaping up quite nicely. Josh concert in Seattle a few days before. June 28th, 29th and 30th to roam Seatown, July 1st catch a one way flight from Seattle to Los Angeles. Party in LaLa redux for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Then. Get this. Get this. Rental car (rental LIMO according to El Capitan del JRBA) drives us to Vegas and the JRBA celebrates Independence Day Vegas style before flying to our respective homes on the 5th of Jue-lye.
I may or may not be able to afford to eat after all of this but damn. I love my life.