reply 2 sandeeps entry and my take on it...o yeah read it sandeep

Jun 19, 2004 20:28

ok yeah sandeep and others u can read it......PLZ READ IT, ESPICLALy U SELF MINDED PPL:

HERe iS WUT sandeep wrote...then my input follows:

Sandeep's take on life

1. Obey your parents trust me. they've seen and been through a lot more shit than you have. whatever they tell you is for a good reason. i know you've heard this before but LISTEN to it this time. ur parents love you, theyre not gonna tell you to do something thats gonna fuck up ur life

MY INPUT: yeah sure...its good 2 obey ur parents, but i mean #1 u cant have em control it forever. It goes 2 ways, they do know alot and u should ALWAYS value their opinon highly cuz they love u and care about you. but it is your life and ur way 2 see fit, as you grow older u will realize what u need 2 do with life and make decisions based on that. so grow up! and stop acting like a fucking dumass!!!!!!

2. Be Honest this is for all those people who lie to themselves and others and for those that cheat on tests/hw: YOU FRICKIN MORONS! why do u go to school? to learn. so what do u learn if u cheat? NOTHING. if u forget to do something or were just too lazy to do it, its ur fault. grow a pair and face the consequences. thats what real life is like. no ones gonna be there to "help" you out. and dont lie to others about yourself. cus heres the truth: no ones fooled. everyone is like glass...crystal clear.

MY INPUT: this is really true, i mean how many of u got fucking pissed off cuz the curve went up since some stupid motherfucker had 2 cheat and u got fucked by it...and its so obviou they I knoe life is fair its just fucked up sometime..but ppl...realize that it is you who will eventualy benefit. when u tak hte SAT or GSE or SAT 2 or w/e...u will hvae 2 knowledge. and that person WILL someday get caught.

3. Dont do things before your ready a lot of teenagers think their ready for a lot of things and jump right into it. again, refer to tip #1 on this. at this age ur not ready for the following: sex, alcohol, drugs, intimate relationships..etc. i know people have told u this a billion times, but u gotta LISTEN DUMBFUCKS LISTEN!! theres a reason ur parents and loved ones tell you this. they went through it and they want to save you the agony...

MY INPUT: this is prob my fav one sandeep made. its is so true. i knoe most of the teenagers these days wanan try 2 be cool, listen 2 the wana be rap musics, where the wanabe cool 50 dollar Echo but is that really u. is it really worth it and does it really make u happy. ur parent work their fucking ass off just 2 put a roof over you head and food on the table, yet u ask for a dam rolex and stuff...guys stop thinking about urself and the start thinking about the other ppl around you....especially ur parents they never get enough respect...especiallyt hese days.

4. No One is different by this im refering to #3. you might do something and say "im not everybody. i can handle it ok? im different!". HA! my ass you are! let me tell you one pearl of wisdom proven time and time again! NO ONE IS IMMUNE TO THE TRIALS AND TRIBULATIONS OF LIFE. i dont know what your future holds, but right now youre going through all the things EVERY TEENAGER GOES THROUGH~!

MY INPUT: this i disagree..i mean the chances of u being sucessful when all others fail is highly unlikely, but if its somehtign u gota do, then u gota do it. You dont wanan be 80 years old and think back on ur life and be like dam...i regret not doing something so much. but i want u guys 2 also think b4 u do it (refer back to #3). also consult a good TRUE freind ok? they care about you. Friends r the best u gota admit it, just know who are hte ur true friends and the ones that r using u...same w/ bf ang gf..

5. Dont start shit we have enough wars and crap being fought without some frickin hormonal cases going at it as well. refer to the first four tips on this one. Were all here on earth for a limited time. its up to each one of us to choose what we wanna do with that time. and i beg you, no plead with you, dont spend that time fighting needless fights with each other. its better to have an ally than an enemy. friends help eachother out. enemies fight for no GOOD REASON AT ALL.. so please, do us all a favor and KEEP THE PEACE. no one cares what anyone says about you. if u respond to what other people say, it only shows how insecure u r about yourself dumbass.

MY INPUT: eh...well its true some ppl just pick fights for nothing, but u wanan knoe wut if it happens 2 u dont continue it. yeah u dont wana look like a fucking pussy if front of htat hot ass girl in the corner watching you, but would it be better 2 have u ass beat 2 a pulp...or beat the other person up, and get suspended, and watching your grade fall 2 the ground and the doors 2 ur futures close. but yeah... #1 dont argue when u r pissed off AND ESPECIALLY DONT GET INTO A FIGHT WHEN UR MAD, sure u may go into a fury...but trust me...u wont win...

6. dont whine about getting caught you might not know this, but secretly, i laugh my ass off at these kinda people! HAR HAR FCKIN HAR! you have no one to blame but ur own damn self! dont whine about how "unfair your parents are" waawaawaa.. "why cant they just let me live my own life. im -teen! i can handle it." BULLSHIT! if you do something ur not supposed to, take responsibility! if ur so old and mature, u should be able to handle THAT responsibility. didnt think of that huh dumbass? refer to #1 on this one.

MY INPUT: its true..first u ppl say u want ur parents 2 treat u like a grown up..but if u cant handle this, theres no hope. being a grown up means making ur own decisions (everbody wants this rite) and takeing hte successes and consequences of those decisions (something nobody wants). now u cant have one or the other...and for those who say ur parents arnt gona give u these privileges...u gota earn it. You gota work ur fucking ass of for 2 get 2 that next level and u gota work ur ass even hard 2 stay at that level so stop complaining...

7. the world is fucked up! nothing truer has ever been said! the other day, i was in the cafeteria and i see someone ,who shall stay nameless, steal food. now wtf?! if you were poor, that could be excusable. but even then, there are lunch tickets for poor students. but no, you have the money but u just wanna steal from the school's generous servings. think of all the people that WORK HARD FOR THAT MONEY FOR THEIR FOOD! ever think of that u dumbfucks?! noooo your too busy showing off how fucked up you can be... like i said before, were all on the earth for a short period of time, MAKE THE BEST OF YOUR LIFE!

MY INPUT: no...i dont agree w/ this completely. The truth is that it is how you view life. sure u may see it as motherfucking cheaters cheat u out of life and how ppl r so fucked up and how u get fucked up along with it and how freinds and bf/gf lie and cheat...but you can also view it in anothe comes with good can not have anything good, without anythign that is bad, cuz these everything would be the same. Do you get it? if not IM me and ill explain...basiclaly: no bad = no good. and vise versa. WEll how many of u look back on ur childhood lives, and remember the good moments. those r the mometns that will stay with us forver. and i bet when u thought back 2 that moment, a smile apreared on ur lips, yeah thats rite...u loved it rite. basically is how u view life u can see it as a fucked up world, or not, the choice is urs...(o yea sandeep wus mad so it kinda clouded his judgement)

8. drama, aint it funny? HAHAHAHAHA now this is one thing i really find amusing. everyone makes such a fckin big deal about what someone says about them. how frickin insecure can you people be!?! ahaha COME ON! "he said this about jimmy and jimmy got really pissed and stopped being friends and beat the shit outta him.." omfg! its just words! they dont have to be true! and even if they are, its your fault, not the person who said it. they didnt make you that way, they just noticed it about you. and you fuckin gossipers and shit-starters! keep your frickin mouths shut! we all know you like to see a good fight, but please do it urself if ur so desperate! believe it or not.. we all wanna lead productive lives, and you pieces of crap just get in the way. so if u dont have anything good to give to this world, i have something to say to you.... shut up and piss off!

MY INPUT: i knoe most of u who is reading htis knows about this and how true it ill just skip it..if not again..just IM me and well chat.

9. hormones: use with caution ok, now this is one thing i really dont get... all of us have seen the sex education videos! you know were all fckin HORNY AS HELL! whyyy do people insist on putting themselves in compromising situations! refer to #s 1,3 and 4. i know after you do w/e, you say "i couldnt help it, emotions took over..." omfg dont give me that look and say that! control your emotions! or better, dont get in those situations in the first place. guard your emotions people! think of all the consequences... babies, HIV, STDs, not to mention you fuck up ur life forever. SEX is a sacred thing. its the most intimate show of love there is! use it wisely! do it with the one u really love and no one else. LEAD MORAL LIVES! i know its been told to you a million times but again i say LISTEN DUMBFUCKS LISTEN!!!

MY INPUT: AMEN!...refer back to #3 about whether u wanan fuck up ur lives or not...and u wnana be pimps and players....omfg....

10. be nice ok, just cus u look a certain way, talk a certain way or act a certain way, does NOT make you any better than anyone else. i know how much ur tempted to, but STOP being mean to people cus of their race, their language or anything besides their personality or actions! NO ONE IS ANY BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE! if ur american-born and u meet a fob, YOU GUYS R FROM THE SAME PLACE, BE COOL TO EACH OTHER! were all human on this planet and all descendents from the same people. so please oh please stop acting like narrow-minded dumbasses and stop hating people. of course, if something about them goes against your personal beliefs, stay away from them, but DONT harass them cus of it.

MY INPUIT: (this is where sanddep finally calms down) gj sandeep haha =D well he summed it up gretty good....

*********NOW this is where i add #11...for all those who want that SPEICAL ONE...but cant seem 2 find it...

11. change urself first b4 u go complaining (applys in speical on) first of all, you know i hate the mother ufckers that say they want a nice, smart, fun, loving, dependable, trustworty, romantic, rich, handsome, hot guy/girls...well first off all.......have fun look for that specaly one...AHAHAHA. ok here is how i see it those who complain 2 much about ppl not liking u...plz look at ur self and see how u r. u wonder why that perfect someone doesnt like you...well look at ur fucking self. You stupid, dum, retardes, naroow-minded, selfish bastard...and ur complainig about how others view you and stuff. OMFG u knoe u talk about others. so just change urself first b4 u start complaing on how the person u like doesnt like you....doesnt make sense IM me. (o yeah...this will apply 2 u some day, just be aware and think about it.)

**************************MOST IMPORTANT MUST READ***********************************
12. take a step back from the life you are living now...cuz 99% of you just care about yourself, how u look, how other ppl view you, etc. first off all ppl judge as mentiona in #11. next, you need 2 see the other ppl suffereing becuase of ur fucking bitchy self-centered attitude. your parents work so dam hard just 4 u 2 have a happy life... perosnally, there is no way you can thank them enough...they r the sould of u life..they love u and will always be there for u. i want u pplz 2 just think about ur life and think over it. take a step back and view the entrie world as it is, not just YOUR NEED AND YOUR WANTS!!!!!. this is very unattractive (hint) 2 the opposite sex...ahaha... its true just think about it. well i can write a novel on this but i think i will stop here. just be away of the life that is going on around you. YOU ARNT THE CENTER OF HTE WORLD...THE WORLD DOES NOT REVOLVE AROND YOU, cuz if it did, everyboyd would be dead, except for chad micheal murry (sleepy hollow) or jessica alba, depending on ur gender...hahah... welp anybody who has question just talk 2 me...

OK IM DONE!!!!!!!! well sandeep have fun reading it and


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