All the comments I received about the Spotted Dick in a Can got me intrigued. What exactly is Spotted Dick and what does it taste like? Hold on, before I get into this, I need to state that I will not, I refuse to, and I will refrain from making the obvious gay/dick jokes. That's just childish and I won't go down that road
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Direct quote from the article: "The Doody family from Wolverhampton has been crowned The Faggot Family in a national competition, and to kick off their reign they will launch National Faggot Week."
With picture of the Faggot Family.
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husband was over from the uk a few months before we got married and we were in a boston market in north carolina. i had gotten meatloaf which he had NEVER HEARD OF and i was like what???? how can you not know meatloaf? i made him try a bite and he loudly proclaimed, "I KNOW WHAT THIS TASTES LIKE! IT TASTES LIKE FAGGOT!"
omg die.
oh and spotted dick is meant to be served warm with hot custard- you know, with warm, slightly viscous substance off-white in color? dick is only good once it is coated with hot. viscous. BWAHAHAHAHHA sorry, i couldn't finish that sentence. (even though it is true!)
your dad's facial expressions for the win.
And I absolutely died over your Boston Market story... I need to stop reading this post because I'm going to wreck my bladder.
funny now.
scared i was gonna get shot by a redneck at the time. :D
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