because nobody knows you, and nobody gives a damn either way.i ain.t no hero.
so i can see that much has changed...well, somewhat-since my last post. my mum is not out here. she is in trouble, and i miss her, and i need her here. we all do. i love her sooo much.
work still sucks. i tolerate it.
i am listening to WOLF PARADE right now. hence the beginning ov the rant i am writing. i am also talking to the one girl i have ever been in love with. she is sooo beautiful. if you could see her, falling in love seems to be the only thing you.d want to do with her.
still not in school. broke as fuck too. irvin.s memorial was this past saturday. he died on the 28th ov august. stupid christian fucks made the whole service about them. reading bible passages and verses whatnot. fuck them.
i moved. i am staying with sammy. it.s been awesome. save for the fact that i need to go grocery shopping. ARGH! haha. lame.
alex and i are engaged. i have a place to stay when i visit mississippi as well as georgia. woody.s mum said i could stay with them. and my mum in law said i could stay with them. sweet. aelx.s dad is even gonna pay for my ticket back home. how fucking awesome is he!? yayyy! haha still things are shitty, but good. it.s as though everything is all disoriented. not much time for art or writing anymore. i am always tired. sucks don.t it? shit happens. cheated hearts.