Oct 09, 2009 11:49
Alright, time for a quick update, since I feel like I never post about anything aside from shows and club nights any more.
Hocico/Caustic in Chicago: Awesome show. Was super to see Matt, Katja and Brian again. Truly, some of the nicest people I've had the pleasure of getting to know. Finally met the famous Sigrid, who btw is even cuter than her pictures :) Highly amused that the green room beer was Corona and Dos Equis. Caustic became "Cock-stic" thanks to a little rooster acquired along the trip to Chicago. Only sad that I missed the Ozzy Osbourne moment. You step away for one second.....
Black Sky Tuesdays: launched this week. The Free Drinks were very much enjoyed by everyone, and a big thanks to Dan @ Showtime for picking up the tab. I've heard nothing but extremely positive reviews of the night, and I hope that if you had 1.8 billion reasons why you couldn't make it this past week, maybe you'll have less in the coming weeks ;) This Tuesday is the official afterparty for the Psych Furs/Happy Mondays show. Free Admission for those coming from the concert :)
My coffee maker died, so I've been doing my java the french press way for the past week or so. How international of me, no?
Battling some mutation of The Plague (TM) in which my throat feels like someone is taking a hacksaw to it. My immune system is a petri dish of fail, currently. Of course, being up for 36 hours straight thanks to the Chicago trip probably did not help matters....
That's all I've got for now. Emergen-C, take me away.