Dec 27, 2003 22:51
umm so i haven't updated in a little while..dunno why, i've been busy with the whole diet and stuff i guess..umm tonight i went and saw paycheck with matt. it was pretty umm "different" lol ya matt kept noticing funky stuff...silly boys. ya and i met this guy named sebastian 3 days ago. he is so awesome! omg! and he is sucha sweetie! <3 ya so he is gonna come visit me soon thank god =] hehe and i just found out that tanner said the funniest thing in a reply! oh it was he knows what im talking about!=D haha but ya and my my jeremy is like so great to me! and hes gonna come see me for summer and im going to jump for joy because he is so sexy!mmmm yes indeed hehehe ..he thought this is funny what i put about him..but he knows its true=D ya and ya..ok so sebastian is gonna call me ima go..PEACE OUT! Holler! lol
xoxo-Stacey A. <3