(no subject)

May 25, 2010 22:54

Today was fun! I made pancakes this morning and topped them with a bit of cinnamon and banana slices, I really need to make pancakes more often. Man they're tasty. Also, it hit about 85 degrees today so after hanging around the apartment for a few hours sweating and playing around there, we headed to the apartment complex pool. It was excellent!

Ollie has a little floater turtle he sits in that he likes and we also played with him in the water without it and worked on getting him more comfortable being in it. He pretty much just clings to me really tightly like a koala when I hold him, so for a while we were holding him to our chests facing outward and having him practice kicking. It was great. He stubbed his toe before we got in the pool though and skinned it pretty bad. I felt so bad for him and it's not the kind of place you can put a bandaid. We were out getting groceries tonight and picked up some of those little water shoes for him, poor dude.

Dinner. Oh man. We got home and Adam steamed some crab legs and we had the most epic feast! I love cracking open the legs and apparently I'm really good at it. We went through a whole ton of them and they were delicious. We intended on making salads too, but instead we just ate crab until we were full. Omph. It was just a ton of carnage and mess and I loved every second of it. It made me feel kind of savage, and I like that.

His parents are visiting next weekend because Adam's sister got his da tickets for the Indy 500, it'll be the first time he'll see it live. We're hoping to hang out with them at the pool Sunday afternoon and then cook them dinner. The plan is making some tasty steaks up and having some romaine salads with crab and all kinds of veggies. Something refreshing that knocks back the summer heat. I'm nervous and probably overplanning things, his parents intimidate me. I'll be cleaning up the apartment a ton before they get here, I really want to make a good impression. They haven't seen the apartment since Ollie and I moved in last July and I want them to think we're responsible and respectable adults. Pft.

I am rambling, mostly about food. Sorry! I don't update often because I'm lame, poop. I will try and get better about that. I'm online enough, I should be updating.

So, also: anyone around Chicago? On the 5th of June there is a Zombie March happening and we're going. I'd love to meet up with other folks there if I could. We'll be there with Ollie- I'm not sure he'd be into wearing any zombie makeup so just in case he isn't that day I'm already making him a t-shirt that says "zombie bait". I think Adam may dress as a survivor along with him, but I'm not sure. I'll be about 36 weeks along by then so I won't be hard to spot.

How's everyone else's day going? What's been good, what's been bad? I would love to hear all about it!
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