Apr 24, 2008 16:27
Today I am not really that productive but I feel productive. Woke up with Ollie at a quarter to 6am, hung out with him and let him run around until 7, and then made him go back to sleep since I was very tired and he was as well. We laid down and snuggled in my bed until about a quarter to 11. Most amazing thing ever! He's lying down now as well, taking his second nap of the day. The last few days I have been working on crocheting more, since I'm teaching Jamison. I'm trying to make more headway on a blue and white rugby striped scarf and have about 3 hours of progress into it (it's about a 1/3 done, oof) and today I started slicing up plastic grocery bags and crocheting the strips together. I'm going to make a nice, sturdy, awesome bag for shopping. I'm pretty sure I'll put dividers inside of it and use it soon. I'd be quite happy if I added a pocket for my money, but... I'm not sure right now. I may just keep it simple.
Speaking of Jamison, whew. I am getting tired of babysitting him. It sounds awful, and it is incredibly mean of me to say so, but I am. He's a 26, 27 year old friend of my mums that she met at Starbucks. He works there and is currently on a 2 week mental health vacation. He tried to go to the psych ward because he was very depressed and having suicidal thoughts, but they said he wasn't enough of a threat to himself or others. Wtf? Seriously? Preventative care much? So since they rejected him his doc gave him some heavy sedatives and signed off for him to have a paid vacation. So he's hanging around here for a few days so we can watch him. He wants to learn how to crochet so that he has something easy and productive to do with his time.
Here's the problem: he pretty much just hangs around in the living room drinking wine or beer, fucking up and wasting yarn, and watching movies. Which is cool and all except when he cooks (broke a shelf full of mugs in the kitchen while drunk and ended up shattering a lot of them in the process), or wants to watch incredibly gory or inappropriate things when I'm hanging out with Ollie in there. He wants company all the time, but.. I can't just let Ollie watch stuff like Wondershowzen or movies about flesh eating monsters. I can't. So I'm taking Ollie on walks or cleaning my room when he's got shit like that on. *shrug*
Joe's birthday is next Tuesday and I'm not sure what to do. Um, we're not officially going out or anything ... if hardpressed I'd just call us emotionally involved fuckbuddies. Seriously un-romantic sounding but true. Nonetheless I wanted to do something sweet for his birthday and was considering making an apple pie (his favorite, and he was begging me to the other day), pick up some nice flowers, and a bottle of wine and leaving it in a tasteful picnic basket or some such on his doorstep since I don't think we'll be hanging out. He's a huge fan of the Cubs and will be going to a night game. The only problem is getting the stuff there, and.. I don't know. He's distant as hell lately anyway. I've seen him once in 3 weeks- and he came by long enough to hang out with Ollie and I until Ollie napped, have a quickie, and then leave. Oh, and let me know that he'd be busy all weekend so he couldn't hang out or call me most likely. What happened to the guy who'd text me everyday? Bah. Oh well. I just feel like a lame rebound now.
In any case I'm on a diet-ish thing again and will try eating healthier again and doing all my exercises everyday, not just the ones I like. I need to get into ass-kickingly good shape again. I'm in two weddings this summer/fall and I want to look awesome since one friend picked out a hideous bridesmaid dress. It's strapless and red with gaudy flowery embroidery at the rack and has this cinching thing going on at the side? Okay, it's not horrible but she keeps telling me that I should get a tan for her wedding. Over and over and over. Hi, an apple red dress paired with a dark haired, pale me? Would be pretty. Everyone sporting fake or orangey tan (as her sister and friend are prone to doing) with a bright red will look awful.
One dress is adorable as anything and will be purple and black-yay! I was thinking about the first dress she picked that I didn't dig before But this one will be fabulous and the sort of thing I'd wear again to a fun occasion. But the other... ick. Not digging it. I want to wear pink pearls with the red one and pink catseye plugs since pink will be an accent color but the bride already picked out white pearls as gifts for the bridesmaids and wants us to wear them to the wedding. lame.
I'm off and done with rambling. Toodle-oo!
eco-friendly-up-the-ass bags,
whiny shit,