Jul 18, 2010 17:41
I swear, there is a quota. One out, another in. Just admit it, Admiral.
I think we should have a Roundworlder quota.
I wonder what our God quota is?
The last flood - does anyone have any idea exactly who those people were? I somehow avoided turning into the Patrician thank the gods, so it can't be the same as last time. I'm just glad I wasn't Sam bloody Vimes or something.
[Warden filter]
Can one of you, as a matter of courtesy, show one... Edward d'Eath I swear, old Ankh-Morpork families a gun, and what they do?
I only ask because I learnt about Roundworld weapons the hard way and despite the fact he seems to despise everything I stand for, and he's from my city, so won't have seen one before. As far as I know, they've never existed on the Disc.
[Private to the Doctor]
I'm sick of this place and nearly everyone in it. I've tried to stop thinking of people here like... they're ingrates, but everytime an inmate expresses a stupid opinion (which, you know, happens every other day), I just want to punch them in the face. Not that I will, but that's the general sentiment I'm getting from this place these days. At least, before, I could stand Sirrus or the Rani, but now... I can't stand a single one of them, Doctor. I only asked that for d'Eath because he's, well, he's Morporkian, at least.
I don't know why I told you that. Any of it.
swing hates most the inmates,
morpooooooorkia! morporkia!,
guns make swing uncomfortable,
planet seperation anxiety,
the ankh is thicker than water,
inadvisably applied maths