Um. This isn't good. Um. Er.
I'm missing lessons. I can't believe I'm missing lessons. I really needed to go to Quirmian, I'm no good at Quirmian, and oh there was an oral test today - probably a good thing, I never do well. I mean, it's hardly my fault I don't sound fluent. And I wish the others wouldn't point this out by saying I don't even sound fluent in Morporkian.
And then there's Poisoning. Mr Triggle is going to kill me. Quite literally. Oh, this isn't good. This is not good at all.
Let's not even talk about Concealment, triangle practice with Mr Dawkins and... damn! I was actually looking forward to the Wall Game tonight. Tree Frog actually stood a chance of winning.
I suppose there's not much I can do about it. What time's dinner? Is there a curfew? If there's not, there ought to be one. There really ought.
Is there anywhere I should be going?
I suppose I could do this geometry homework. Or read this book that's here. Dracula. Hm. Sounds like Uberwaldian Lit.
((ooc: I gave Swing enough knowledge to know where he is, and that it's not permanent, but not why he's here, or what Swing Swing did. :D Also, fyi, he goes to
A British-style boarding school with the nobs turned up to eleven. A well rounded education including languages, music, all the things needed to be a proper gentlemen. Oh, and killing. Lots and lots of killing skillz.))