Apr 12, 2006 09:15
Incredibly twitchy, which may or may not be due to recent horrible eating habits. Or perhaps recent horrible depression. Weekend was excellent, including awesome concert, but depression quickly returned. On Sunday night I stupidly forgot to take my traz--how?! How does someone forget to take four of her fifteen nightly pills? Anyway, I fell asleep, but woke up roughly two hours later, and tossed and turned until very early in the morning when I had to get up. And it was THEN that I realised that I had not taken the traz. Was a zombie all day. Actually, for the first part of the day, was fortified by triple shot short mocha, but by evening was a zombie. Was in bed by about 10pm, then up at 530am for DG work. Yesterday was slow crash-and-burn; worked 11 hours and finally got home at 7pm, collapsed into bed, awoke at 9pm for pills and pickles, then slept until 830am this morning. Then came here, and proceeded to be twitchy. Very, very twitchy. It won't stop. I feel like I am full of snakes or something. Anyway, have a dermatologist appointment at 1030am in Waynesboro, which should be interesting as picking has been rampant. Picking is the only thing that seems to soothe me, much to the chagrin of my skin. Even now, mind is racing at one million miles. Also have new client who is potentially male version of difficult female client who fired me. Passover starts tonight with dinner at R's, and I can only hope that I don't have a meltdown before or during. Would be very, very bad. Have a feeling at ativan will help tremendously. Both shrink AND therapist are on vacay this week, plus rabbi couldn't meet because he had to find a new car to replace his totaled one. Probably should not have had a cookie for breakfast. Probably should go eat something marginally healthy. But where? And when? Should go to work however briefly before heading off to derma appt. should see more clients today than i am. perhaps will email rabbi to see if he will meet with me.
only one more day until holiday.