Ahhhhhh omg long time no see i know,but this is worth updating for.Last night i saw THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA and it was soooooooo GLORIOUS!!!!!!!I loved it sooooooo much, and for those of you who have still yet to see it.....you are gunna LOVE it!I bought a program and a shirt, and afterwards I got to meet most of the cast.And let me tell ya....Raoul is mighty fine!!!!They were all really nice,and the phantom had such a beautiful voice....he made me cry haha.Anywho.......I want to go see it again,but i think i will have to wait till it comes back next year cause the tickets are really expensive for as close as we were(we were amazingly close! : ) ).Well time to go get ready for the day.I most definitly am going to wear my shirt and daydream about last night haha,and maybe see a movie.Sigh......tootles folks!<333lover of the phantom of the opera aka me.
"I gave you my music; made your song take wind. And now how you've repaid me - denied me and betrayed me. He was bound to love you when he heard you sing, Christine!
You were cursed the day you did not do, all that the Phantom asked of you!"
p.s-if you do go, don't try to compare it to the movie cause they are each beautifully different in their own ways.