Sep 28, 2004 12:50
soooooo much homework!someone please stop the madness.I think that all the teachers have gone insane and decided to give us as much work as possible untill we all physically combust!ahhhhhh......i feel like a limp head hurts and im done with gunna be a beauty school drop out.....haha jk.cry.argg....i want some chocolate cake.someone bake me one and give it to me tomorrow.=).<3lisa
p.s-i am going to get last chair in my band.wahhhoooo.could life get any better.=(
P.S.S-who wants to go see a movie with me saturday?or something fun?call or leave me a comment.
p.s.s.s-i can't wait till the state fair gets here!hooooorah!
p.s.s.s.s-i need a punching bag to get rid of all this stress.