fuck you, fuck off

May 23, 2005 14:10

you know im talking about you, you know it. you are just as bad as me, how fucking dare you try and make it seem like im the asshole thats always fucking up and making things bad in our friendship/relationship. you always try and make me look like im the bad guy, but your just as bad as me, i just dont go around and tell everyone all the shit you do..... until now. that arguement last night was fucking pointless, it didnt fix anything and your just wasting your time trying with me. i wasnt happy with you for a long time, and i was only happy for a little while in the beginning. i have fucked up in the past, and so have you, im just now finding out about it all but i know your just as big of a fuck up as me. i never went behind your back and fucked around with one of your best friends, drove to charlotte to cuddle with someone i just met, i didnt try and fuck your friend(jason) yea i know all about you and jason, he showed me all your little text messages.... "jay is doing wrong""ive always thought you were hot" all that bullshit, i knew that you were trying to do more than give him a cd. you just didnt think that maybe jason would tell me all about it. oh and hes pissed cuz you ran up his phone bill. you are such a hipocrit. i know fucked up and ill admit it, but you fuck up and you keep fucking up. why would i want to be with someone like that. you manipulated me into thinking that i was an asshole, and that i was mean to you, and i believed it... i dont know why i did, maybe it was because i loved you and i thought we could work. so i always thought i was wrong, and in a way i kind of felt that all the cheating on me was fair, like i deserved it or something. but the jason and chris thing was the last fucking straw, im done with you ill drop all of your shit off at your house. i cant believe that i let you treat me this way, and i cant believe you let me treat you that way. everyone is convinced that im an asshole and your an angel. its not fucking true, you just tell everyone your side of the story, and now i have a busted lip to prove how much of a bitch you are. you used to always go through my phone, email, myspace, live journal, and for what??? for nothing. i dont want a friendship with you and i sure as hell dont want to try and work things out. im with someone else now, and im gonna see how it works with her, and im not gonna feel bad for making you cry this time, cuz i know that you deserve it. i cant believe i was so stupid.

these scars will never go away, in this world i have no place.
forgive me jesus, this time i cry....
i ripped my heart out, to give to you....

i really dont care what comes of this post, but i know one thing for sure, we are definately not gonna be anything after this. im moving on, and im growing up.... which is something that you need to do. guilt trips will no longer fucking work on me, im tired of letting you always get the upper hand and me always crying because you cant keep your legs closed. your just as fucked up as me, and i hope that all those people youve messed around on me with were worth losing me and 10 months, but they probably were, cuz if i was worth anything to you at all you sure as hell wouldnt have done it. i seriously hope you come down with something they dont have a cure for, i really hope the next boy you kiss has something terribly contagious on his lips, hahaha. i didnt want it to be like this, but this is how it is, and that is that. have a good life without me, because i really dont want anything to do with you, but it is time that i get my dignity and respect and self-esteem back after all that bullshit youve said to everyone to make me look bad.

I should be.... ill be alright.
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