(no subject)

Sep 27, 2009 13:52

I am so glad to be here, I really dont think right now I could be much happier where I am.
World peace and equality for women could lift my guilt when I'm doing anything for myself, having a job in a cafe and the average day being 28 hours long would give me time to do everything I need to do, but i'm still happy here.

i've just started to read Origin of the Species by Darwin. I would have loved to have read this when evolution was just being considered, even now its a shocking book, if you're not shocked by it, even now as we mostly accept evolution, then you havent understood it, I think someone said that recently, maybe it is not a genuine thought of mine or maybe i'm wrong! At the orphanage this year a guy was working there, young, from Bali, he was going to be helping at the orphanage for at least 10 years and perhaps the rest of his life. He'd led a very sheltered life in Bali, having lived in a monestry from about the age of 10. He said, ah yes, i recently heard of this idea of that we've come from monkeys, what do you think? He didnt believe in god, he just had not considered evolution before. Evolution makes sense, but it's still shocking.

Last night we went to such a fun balkan music night, i'm happy to be living with people who know how to have fun whilst remembering and are not afraid to look stupid, even ugly. We did big tribal facepaint and shouted and danced and embraced everyone. There is no bonding through bitching, or seemingly lighthearted comical remarks that can sound sarcastic and bitter. I feel like in London I slip back in to that, I don't like it at all.
James comes back today, thinking about it yesterday i felt teary at the thought of seeing him at the station, i'm getting us train tickets to paris for his birthday but i can't keep it from him for long.
Ps, has anyone been to Prague? i'm going with my (BORING) class in two weeks. There are three Smiths and two Jones's. i'm getting a bike and will take by Jabib to look like Emilie Floge (klimpt's girl) anything to dull the boredom of that class. =

it's sunday and the shops close soon,
bye bye .
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