Well first and foremost, I'm going to start off by saying my life is unquestionably good right now. I am 100% completely head over heels for a girl, a girl who [as of last night while riding the American Eagle at Great America backwards in the dark and in the rain (yes I'm that cute, but whatever she's cuter and deserves it)] is now my girlfriend. I don't know how I managed to trick her into that one, but I'm not one to complain. ;) Her name is Kathy for those not in the know and she's just... beautiful. Inside and out. Many of you have left me messages calling me a pussy or emo faggot or any combination of the above for my away messages lately... yea, she's the reason. Oh well. :) Moving along...
My band is really coming together nicely and how we should be after a year of being together. We write fluidly and with our own style, we play good shows, shows that I don't completely hate, and people are digging it. I'm even starting to not mind my voice. ...Probably because I just yell most of the time now anyway. But either way, if you haven't been to a show in a while, we're not the same, and you really should check it out. Heavy music is fun.
I'm working a lot which is a bonus because money is a good thing to have and it keeps me busy and motivated. I still haven't decided what my plan of action for school is going to be but in time...
I dunno, I guess I was just updating you folks on my life if anyone still cares, but I think I'm going to try and start updating this journal more frequently. I still write a lot, but I just got away from the whole "tell everyone what I do everyday" sort of thing. We'll see. I feel like I have so much more to say right now but words really can't describe how good of a place I'm in at this point in time. Oh... AND I talked
jon_grip into THREE rollercoasters yesterday, when not only does he get extreme motion sickness, but is also deathly terrified of rollercoasters. And one of them was by far the tallest in the park. And the tallest he'd "ever FUCKING seen." I rule. And I jacked up his car at 1 in the morning in the pouring cold rain in just my t-shirt to change his flat. Jon, testify.
That's all. Keep it real people. <3