sooooooooo booooorrrrrred

Nov 24, 2004 21:19

1. what is the geekiest part of your music collection?
abba its so outta place among my heavy metal death albums

2. what do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night?
apples?????? jk idk

3. what is your secret guaranteed weeping movie?
i think the fox and the hound im not sure though but i know its some disney movie

4. if you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?
i wouldnt watn plastic surgery

5. do you have a completely irrational fear?
umm i have a couple of fears im scared of being buried alive i have aracnaphobia (fear of spiders) and i have homophobia (fear of homosexuals) i hate gay guys

6. what is the little physical habit that gives away your insecure moments?
when im bored i tap my feet

7. are you a pyromaniac?
setting fire to things is fun

8. do you have too many love interests?

9. do you know anyone famous?

10. describe your bed:
black sheets black quilt thats it

11. are you spontaneous or planned?
spontaneus all the way

12. who would play you in a movie?
definatly legolas in the lord of the rings or the badass pirate johnny depp plays in pirates of the caribean that is one badass pirate

13. do you know how to play poker?
not at all

14. what do you carry with you at all times?
money other things

15. what do you miss most about being a kid?
the easy days when the hardest hoemwork to do was color inside the lines aside from that i still act liek a kid all the time

16. are you happy with your given name?
yes i like my name it would only be better if it were spelled like shawn

17. how much money would it take to get you to give up the internet for one year?
umm not much i dont do anything on the internet except look at cartoons

18. what color is your bedroom?
a gross sahde of purple if you wanna get technical you could call it indigo or violet

19. what was the last song you were listening to?
bleeding through-on wings of lead

20. have you ever been in a play?
yeah hte olm christmas play i was a sheep i just like sat there and did nothing

21. have you ever been in love?

22. do you talk a lot?
depends who im talking to

23. do you like yourself and believe in yourself?
not at all

24. do transient, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you?
yeah when i see a bum on the street i want nothign more than to deliver a good drop kick to their spines

25. do you consider yourself to be a nice person?
yes i am a very nice person

26. do you spend more time with your girlfriend/boyfriend or your friends?
friends even thugh sometimes i can get pissed at them

27. what is your ideal marriage location?
one of those drive through chapels in las vegas jk jk

28. which musical instrument do you wish you could play?
i play guitar

29. favorite fabric?
velcrow cause when i was five i couldnt tie my shoes so i had those velcrow tied on shoes so props to velcrow for helping me keep my shoes on

30. something you love and hate?
i love to hate people/places/things
i think thats a good enough answer

31.what kind of bedding do you use?
i dont know i dont care

33. what's the one language you want to learn?
i really want to learn german cause no matter what everythign germans do is good not one bad thing came from germany

34. how do you eat an apple?
first i put the apple to my mouth then i take a bite then i chew the bite and then i swallow and thats how i eat an apple

35. what do you order at a bar?
im not allowed in bars but if i was i would just order shot after shot
36. have you ever pierced your body parts?
no i wouldnt do that id be to scared to do it wrong

37. do you have tattoos?
no but im defiantly getting some

38. do you drive a stick?
39. favorite trait of the opposite sex?
good personality big boobs nice face that about covers it

40. what's one trait you hate in a person?
i dont know wht you call it but when people have to be the center of attention it pisses me off soo much

41. what kind of watch do you wear?
i dont wear a watch thers no point i have a cell phone to tell me the time

42. most frivolous purchase?
i dotn knwo what frivoulous means but i brought this pizza yesterday if that counts it was a good pizza

43. do you consider yourself materialistic?
no not really some things ill be materialistic over but it has to be important to me

44. what are you best at cooking?
eggs or pancakes thats about the extent of my cooking ability

45. favorite writing instrument?
ive always loved a good old fashioned ink well and a quill no better writing utensil than that

46. do you prefer to stand out or blend in?
blend in

47. would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex?
no never never never

48. what's one car you will never buy?
almost any car thats not made in america

49. what kind of books do you like to read?
whatever it just has to be interesting and be able ot hold my attention nothing like scarlet letter or magic kingdom for sale or farenheit 451

50. if you won the lottery, what would you do?
buy a big house throw a big party and the next day if i have any mone left ill do it again

51. burial or cremation?
cremation why not???

52. how many online journals do you read regularly?
id say about 7 or 8 im not sure

53. what's one thing you're a loser at?
im bad at chem and everything im just a huge loser i cant do anythign right

54. if you don't like a person, how do you show it?
ill walk right up to the person usually and day "i hate you go fuck off" or ill just make fun of them alot

55. do you cry in front of your friends?
no i dont cry

56. what kind of first impression do you think you give to people?
i think i give a good first impressiion but after they get to know me they realize im a deutchbag and that they shouldnt be friends with me

57. what's one thing you like to do alone?
daydream, watch tv, or play guitar

58. are you a giver or a taker?
both more of a taker though

59. when's the last time you cried?
i dont remember the last time i cried

60. favorite communication method?

61. how many drinks before you're tipsy?
im not sure i dotn really drink ill guess around two-four imnot sure i dont liek ot drink that much

62. do you think you're cute?
hahahahaha no never i hate myself

63. do you have problems changing clothes in front of friends?
kinda idk

64. do you have any crushes?
im not sure i dont think so

65. favorite cartoon character?
any character out of rocko's modern life cause they were all soo funny

66. last time you laughed so hard you cried?
umm idk probably at soemthing soemone said or did

67. last big risk you took?
68. last time you fell in love?
never ever

69. your first car?
i cant drive yet but i have my eye on my uncles jeep
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