Dec 12, 2008 16:07
Ugh;asklfja. So lifes awesome, and by awesome I mean SUCKS. I mean, its FINALS WEEK and I'm already hardcore stressing and freaking out about 4 really hard finals, and THEN my computer DECIDES TO CRASH. Once on Monday, got it fixed by Tuesday, crashed AGAIN YESTERDAY. So for the second time this week I had to have my mom come pick it up which makes me feel like a fucking shitty person for making her come up because I literally don't have an hour that I'm not STUDYING. WHAT THE FUCKING HELL, MARLTON COMPUTERS? By "fix" I dont mean "good until it crashes TWO DAYS LATER." And its especially awesome because I have a huge huge huge Media Law take home final due tomorrow night...its 10 questions, each answer has to be 1-2 pages long AKA basically a 20 page paper. Thanks to my goda;lfkdja;fkdas COMPUTER I LOST TWO ANSWERS. So now I have 9 questions left to finish because I had THREE OTHER finals to study for before I could even focus all my attention on this, because somehow every other journalism major besides me doesn't have actual exams so they had time to devote to this shit, unlike me. So now I'm literally going to have to be in the computer lab all night tonight and all day tomorrow when its due at 6 pm and I dont know if I'm going to finish, AND my extra credit statistics paper went down in flames professor said I could email it when my computer was fixed but STILL. UGH. I. HATE. FUCKING. TECHNOLOGY. I'm so incredibly frustrated and its gotten to the point I've had so many breakdowns that I'm just exhausted and sick and sad and I just want it to be over. I know no one reads this shit but I just had to get it out.