Nov 18, 2011 22:58

Why are there suddenly a lot more people? I don't know if I like it or not.... Eric where you are you? [So she can hide near you.]

.... Is Batman and Miss Grell okay?

Is this even normal to have the scientists bring this many people in at once?

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the_blueblur November 20 2011, 06:22:55 UTC
[ Sonic steps forward, looking somewhat shocked. His eyes widen. ]

... Sai?!


playwitchu November 20 2011, 06:29:54 UTC
[Another person calling her Sai.]

I am not this Sai that people keep calling me! I am Heather! HEA-TH-ER!

[Though she blinks as she catches sight of Sonic and tilts her head. OKAY! INVESTIGATING HIM NOW!]

Ne, what are you?


the_blueblur November 20 2011, 06:33:30 UTC
[ He takes a step back, his brows creasing. Seeing her like this... ]

I... You don't remember me? [ Now that he thinks about it, didn't she say something once about losing her memory? ]


playwitchu November 20 2011, 06:40:14 UTC
[She blinks as he takes a step back away from her.... Why did he do that? She is just a helpless and harmless little girl, right? At least... That was what both Terry's and Eric's flows has been telling her.]

If I could remember anything beyond 4 weeks ago, I would! I really would. [Though now she blinks and tries once more to close the distance between the two.]

Ne? You know me? How? What am I? Do you know my name? Ne? NE?


the_blueblur November 20 2011, 06:43:30 UTC
[ He takes another step back, completely expecting her to snap at any moment... Especially since he remembers losing her trust. ]

... You used to go by the name "Sai". You and I were friends once, but... [ No. He shouldn't tell her that. ]

Anyway, I'm Sonic.


playwitchu November 20 2011, 06:51:10 UTC
[She frowns even more and even gains some sad puppy eyes as well.]

We were friends?! [That is so awesome! A talking... whatever you are as a friend!] But?....

[She blinks and remembers something about being a proper lady and curtseys.]

I am Heather. Eric gave me my new name.


the_blueblur November 20 2011, 06:54:04 UTC
[ The curtsy is pretty cute, but it's so weird seeing her like this... After all, when he remembered her, she was a boy! Maybe that was where most of the shock was coming from. ]

Who's Eric?


playwitchu November 20 2011, 06:58:05 UTC
[That side is just buried deep within. But yay! Grell efforts are not going to waste!]

My caretaker. He is the coolest person ever! He also gave me my name. And he is also the strongest person ever!


the_blueblur November 20 2011, 07:14:52 UTC
The coolest person ever? [ That gets a bit of a grin out of the blue hedgehog. He had to disagree on that one! After all, there couldn't be anyone cooler than himself. ]

You don't say. [ He takes a look around the room, but doesn't move. ] Is this your home?


playwitchu November 20 2011, 07:20:39 UTC
Yes, the coolest person ever! [No one can be cooler then Eric. It is just not possible.]

I do say! And he is a lot of fun too! [She blinks as she watches him explore and goes to follow him.]

Not sure yet... Eric is currently trying to find me a new home to live in. [She goes to frown a little cause hey, they were friends once, right?]

I just hope that I am not being in the way or bothering him too much.


the_blueblur November 20 2011, 07:31:48 UTC
A new home? What's wrong with this one?

[ He didn't actually realize he wasn't in Discedo... Fortuna had changed so much for him since he'd been here. ]


playwitchu November 20 2011, 07:39:56 UTC
Eric said that it wasn't good enough for me. I think that we are gonna try and move into Discedo.

[Okay, she is gonna try and touch him now if he lets her.]

Would you like anything to eat?


the_blueblur November 21 2011, 00:26:56 UTC
[ At the prospect of being touched, Sonic backs up again. He can't do it yet... Not after he's seen what she's capable of. ] We're not in Discedo? Where are we?

[ Being asked if he wanted anything to eat wasn't heard just yet. ]


playwitchu November 21 2011, 05:29:17 UTC
[She just goes to gain a hurt expression on her face. Why does he do that? Especially after they said that they were friends... She is starting to have doubts about them being friends now...]

Spero. It's across the lake from Discedo... A week's travel.


the_blueblur November 21 2011, 19:36:19 UTC
[ He notices the look on her face and puts on a grin. ] I don't really like being touched, it's nothing per---

A week's travel!?

[ Woah. He'd never been to the other cities in Discedo before... the last time he was here, he remembered it had just dawned on everybody that they were on another planet. ]

Woah, I'm farther than I thought.


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