3rd Box [Action for those in Spero]

Nov 05, 2011 00:21

[That doll... That most freakish doll ever. It was so cute and charming at first but then she had left it behind and it followed her... And keep talking to her. Heather didn't like it one bit. It scared her. That woman, Little Washu offered the bonfire idea but it was too far away and she really didn't want to spend that much time alone with it ( Read more... )

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redcinemareel November 5 2011, 06:26:20 UTC
[And said doll lands at Grell's feet. The reaper, a scarf about her neck for the cooler weather rolling in, picks it up and examines it.]

Is there a problem, sweetie?


playwitchu November 5 2011, 06:34:20 UTC
[There is just men clothes for the clone. Heather doesn't look up and just frowns at the ground.]

I don't like the doll, it kept on following me and talking to me. Plus it made me think strange.

[She goes to look up and adjusts the old worn, patchy sweater again.... Okay, the person is really pretty and... so far nothing has register about who the reaper is in front of her.]

Any idea on how to get rid of it?


redcinemareel November 5 2011, 06:36:39 UTC
...who dressed you? [It had to be asked.

Grell looks to the doll in question thoughtfully.] Have you tried cutting it up? Or burning it? [ADJUSTS GLASSES] Burning would be a bit more beneficial, though.


playwitchu November 5 2011, 06:42:50 UTC
My caretaker. [She's not too sure if Eric really wants his name out there yet.] He didn't have any clothes for me.

Someone was making a fire to burn the dolls with but she lives in Discedo. [The doll itself was a little girl in school uniform.]

.... [That is a lot of red.]

Is that what you did with your doll?


redcinemareel November 5 2011, 06:47:16 UTC
You're in luck! There is a rather large mall with a special sale~! I'm sure your caretake would not mind you getting a few things from there, hmm~?

[It's a strange doll...]

No, but many who have unwanted dolls burn them in order to make sure they do not return. [Scarlet Fever. Soulless Automatons. Whatever else came up.] She looks to the girl.] How about we make our own fire? It is not so difficult~!


playwitchu November 5 2011, 06:58:28 UTC
Really? You think that Eric will get me something from there? [She seems a little excited about that thought. But...] But he did give me these and they are warm enough. [Just don't look at the pants Grell, they are worse then the sweater.]

I like that idea! [Fire always sounds nice.] How can we make one?


redcinemareel November 5 2011, 07:06:16 UTC
...it figures Eric gave you them. [SIGHS] He must not know about the malls here. I would suggest you either take him to get you clothing, go on your own, or I can accompany you. Because NO ONE deserves to be in such horrendous attire.

You also need a woman's touch.

[She drops the doll ungracefully and looks about.] A good question. Fire burns best with wood, but this island has little of that. So there is just ONE thing to do.

Create an explosion.

[Because traveling 7 hours via train or teleporting to Discedo is just silly.]


playwitchu November 5 2011, 07:17:01 UTC
... What's a mall? The only other place besides home I have been too is the subway. [And wait a minute...] How do you know Eric?

A woman's touch? [Wait what? Why is a man saying these things? At least she still somewhat thoughtful of her words as pieces are slowly falling into place.]

A-A-A-A EXPLOSION? Wouldn't that be too dangerous?!


redcinemareel November 5 2011, 07:22:18 UTC
A mall is a large, usually wide building with various shops inside. Think of it as an indoor market. [Tilts her head to the side.] A subway? Oh, sweetie, the world is a vast place! You shouldn't stick to a dank subway.

Eric is a coworker of mine. [A pause.] Or is it former? We're no longer in our world, after all.

...you have a point. [Humans are such fragile things.] We should just cut up the doll.


playwitchu November 5 2011, 07:31:26 UTC
Where is it at? Can you show me? [Heather so far hasn't seen any reason not to trust the older woman. She blinks and probably now says the worst thing possible.] But I don't live there, I live with my caretaker.

Coworker? .... Are you a Shinigami too?

Yeah, that would probably be better.


redcinemareel November 5 2011, 07:36:42 UTC
Of course! It's not that far from here. [Points out to the near distance.] It's that rather large building there.

I hope it's better than living in a subway.

...a shiniwhat? [Sorry, Grell speaks only the Queen's English.

Pulls out a dagger from her coat and hands it to the girl, handle first.]

Did you want to do the honors?


playwitchu November 5 2011, 07:44:53 UTC
[She looks in the direction of the pointing.] I wonder what is in there...

[She goes to frown up at her.] It's the best place to live.

... A death god.

[She blinks again as she was given the dagger. She twirls the dagger a moment before nodding her head.]

Okay. [Okay, if Grell is who she thinks she is... Heather goes to make sure that she doesn't really make any sudden movements.]


redcinemareel November 5 2011, 07:53:09 UTC
Better clothing than what you have on now.

[Raises an eyebrow] Why is that?

[She pinches the bridge of her nose.] Is NOTHING sacred, anymore? Such things are not for humans to know. He must get that from William.

[Grell gives the girl some space to let her do as she pleases to the doll. Mutilation can be a private thing for some.]


playwitchu November 5 2011, 08:13:18 UTC
But this is what Eric gave me. [Eric has the best choices, obvs.] And what would you put me in?

It just is.

.....Who is William? [Okay, that just conforms her fears... Grell is there and she is the number one person next to Batman according to Eric to avoid.] Do you also have a Death Scythe?

[She takes a quick glance behind her towards Grell. She does make a quick work of the doll though she does cut her finger during the process and drops the knife. She goes to put the cut part of her hand into her mouth to keep it from bleeding and with her other hand, goes to offer the knife back to Grell.]


redcinemareel November 5 2011, 08:19:26 UTC
[...good Fates...]

Since the weather is getting cooler, you'll need at least a coat. Clothing that fits would be nice. [Crosses her arms in thought.] Do you have an aversion to dresses?

Well, such logic cannot be beaten. [What even.]

William is our superior. [At the question, Grell frowns.] Although such matters are not of your concern, all reapers possess one.

The cut does not go unnoticed. Novices. Grell steps forward and takes the weapon, placing it into her coat before extracting a handkerchief.]

Your first time wielding something that sharp?


playwitchu November 5 2011, 08:33:55 UTC
[She frowns just a little bit before shaking her head.]

Never worn anything that you mentioned.

No, it can't. [SUCH is the logic of a child!]

Superior? Eric's is probably better then yours.

[She blinks as she notices the handkerchief.]

I think so... Don't remember.


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