Studio Dice site updated!

Jun 15, 2011 04:11


was updated to be a flash-based layout, I assume to make it "neater" but they added a ZEXAL sketch book (I also like how they're using the "Western" Yu-Gi-Oh! Logo, lol

Astral's original concept by Takahashi is... scary, lol
but the sketches for Yuma are very helpful.

(on a ZEXAL related note: did anyone notice this?
"Xyz Monsters are made from anti-matter,and have traveled here from the other side of a black hole" ...really?

also relevant is NAS will be showing ZEXAL at the Int'l Tokyo Toy Fair with AR things. lolwhere'smyyugiohin3Dforthe3DSguys)

The yugioh sketchbook has been updated as well,

it includes sketches for slifer, obelisk and ra (ra's art was used in the remake, I wonder if that slifer sketch will be the art for the reprint slifer? :o ) as well as sketches for those $800 resin blue eyes and red eyes models was updated with a Horahkty painting *O*

and looks like a new project called "Advent Heroes : Fundamental" is in the works?

I wonder what happened to "Button"...

ygo!zx, ygo, discussion

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