Pegasus' Sole Flaw... + An Analysis

Mar 02, 2010 23:01

Yep, I'm back with another picture!

So me and a friend of mine were discussing Pegasus as a villain. Then he mentioned what rules did Pegasus as a YGO villain follow. Except one rule...

Okay, I thought that one didn't do justice to the concept, so I traced made another one:

He didn't go buff like Godwin or Kagemaru. Yep.

I hastily made that image by tracing Godwin from SD2 scans, so it's not the best. Hopefully it is good enough for breaking people's minds. :D

For the essays and discussion department, I wrote an analysis on Paradox and Pegasus. I decided to compare them both and came up with some interesting observations.

( Fake cut to my journal entry, or the comparison of FABULOUS and ANTI-FABULOUS. )

crack, discussion

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