I thought you guys would appreciate this...

Sep 28, 2008 22:10

So, I'm watching my friend play Disgaea III. She's beaten the game, and now she's fighting optional bosses. She starts dialogue, and then calls my attention to the screen. The opponent she's fighting is a 'Master Duelist' and he summons three monsters immediately, then sacrifices them to summon "Blue Eyes, White Prinny" before combat. Then, when you get into combat, he has the one Prinny (called BlueEyesWhitePrinny) and a second, normal Prinny. My friend beats him by picking up the special Prinny and throwing it into him (getting rid of that Prinny) and just wailing on him.

The duelist in question also wears a long, dark blue cape/coat (it's hard to tell, and my vision is pretty bad).

The 'Master Duelist''s name?

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