Mar 09, 2006 19:42
Corny title? Go screw yourself:)
My grandmother, Laura Brooks, who died about 10 years ago, was one of the first women to go to Yale medical school. As she stood in line to register, the only woman there, she was mocked and laughed at. The little boys who called themselves men told her the only reason she was there was because all the eligible men were in the war. She was merely filling a space, she didn't deserve to be there, they told her. She graduated, I believe, with honors, surpassing many of the juveniles who harrassed her and intimidated her.
I haven't written an entry about her, but I wrote one about Louise Rizley Stever, so I figured such a wonderful woman as Dr. Laura Brooks Weed deserves mention. Not only because she is the most outstanding example of a woman I've ever met, but because she is, in short, inspirational.
She was the sweetest woman I've ever met, working as a vet, helping anyone who needed it. Quiet and soft-spoken and possessing of the gentlest touch, the most loving and tender hugs. She never held a grudge against anyone, not even the people who tried to stop her from graduating medical school, the people who constantly attempted to get her to go back to the kitchen where they thought she belonged.
You should cherish and honor all the people in your life, even after they die. I am of this blood, this gene pool, and I feel proud. It's sort of like being a Nobel Laureate. I'm in the presence of greatness.
And I'd just like to say thanks, for everyone in my life who notices when I'm sad.
I'd also like to give a shoutout, to Anna Carmella Dausman. If you don't think she deserves this shoutout, you could do me a favor and kill yourself before I get to you :). Thanks.
Anna, you remind me of Laura. Just in the way you both exude light and gentleness. And how, no matter how many times I poke you, I can't seem to find a mean bone in your body.
Just to let you all know, I love every single tiny part of you all. Every microscopic atom. You're all wonderful! I hope you sit the fuck down and THINK about how wonderful you are. Even if you don't think so, I do, so you have to appreciate the fact that SOMEONE thinks you're wonderful, despite what you might believe.
:) Drink some tea and send some stars my way tonight.
The weather's getting wonderful!!!