I'm growing me some Hairy Balls!

Apr 04, 2013 17:23

Also known as Balloon Plant, Swan Milkweed, Family Jewels and several other names, lol, but I'm fond of Hairy Balls :P It's a tropical plant, so I've started the seeds inside since temps can still drop below freezing around here for awhile yet - invested in a plant stand with a clear plastic cover over the whole thing to keep the kittehs out of the nice pots of dirt. Maybe I'll start some cat grass for them again, and bring it out at intervals for nibbles ^^

Today was going to be my go crazy gardening day - first day off where sun is shining and temps near 60F (you think I go a bit daft over snow, you should see me when there's ACTUAL SPRING - the squee would be scary, except I'm usually tired from all the sproinging about to get too out of hand) but instead I ended up curled on the couch most of the day, purging my tanks every time I stood up, blaargh (cramps and a stomach that's been a little touchy all week, but I feel much better now - diet Sprite and lots of oyster crackers, successfully imbibed, w00t!). So today was kind of a bust. Saturday's supposed to still be nice though, and then rain all next week.

And, in keeping with my current juvenile humor mood, this made me laugh and laugh and laugh. Warning for a bit of cat anatomy, but if you have a cat it's nothing you haven't seen before! XD

This entry was originally posted at http://playswithworms.dreamwidth.org/93034.html. Please comment wherever you wish.

spring, health, plants

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