NaNo Status Report

Nov 05, 2012 21:52

After a slow start, managed to get fairly caught up to 7308 words today, not too shabby! Queen lyrics managed to sneak in there at some point, not entirely sure how, and I've implied a folk dancing scene I'll now have to find a way to write later on XD Handwaving terribly in many places, it feels like, but some things just don't exist in my head to write.

In other news I've confirmed I'm not allergic to the peach tea, so must have been the fennel, which is good news because the peach tea is very yummy.

And discovered tonight Rescue Bots is on Netflix, w00t! The plan tomorrow is to vote, go to the grocery, pay bills, write, maybe vaccuum if I want to get wild and crazy, do laundry, and watch Rescue Bots all day and not tune in to regular tv until Wednesday at the earliest.

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nano, rl

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